- Rookie: 9 & Under
- Junior: 10-12
- Teen: 13-15
- Senior: 16-19
- Adult: 20 & Over
*ALL ages are determined by the 'Thursday' date immediately prior to the competition you are entered into. Decimal points are determined for all dancer ages. All decimals are dropped for group routines averages.
- Solos
- Duet/Trios
- Small Groups (4-9 Dancers)
- Large Groups (10-15 Dancers)
- Line / Production (16 or More Dancers)
Recreational Division - Students studying a limited amount hours of dance per week (3-8) and/or with limited competition experience may enter the recreational division. The scoring will be more lenient to make the competition experience more enjoyable for these dancers. There are General Adjudication Awards, Overall Awards and Top Score Awarded along with Scholarships in this division. *No cash prizes are given in the recreational division.
Elite Division - Students studying a significant amount of hours of dance per week are required to enter in the elite division. The scoring is designed for the performing dancer with competition experience. General Adjudication Awards, Overall Awards, Top Score Award, and $3000 in Cash Prizes are given in this division along with Scholarships.
Divisions for dancers to enter the competition must be determined by the studio directors. This decision should be based on your students level of training, abilities, and overall goals for your competition experience. Please use the above guidelines for selecting which division will suite you best.
*At any given time the Competition Director and/or Judges feel like a competition entry does not belong in a particular competition level, it is their discretion to move them.
Acro - A routine that consists of acrobatic moves incorporated with dance.
Ballet - Includes classical or contemporary ballet movement and technique.
Lyrical - Dancers interpret the lyrics, mood and content of the music.
Pointe - Must include classical or contemporary pointe technique and steps. Pointe shoes only.
Jazz - Contains traditional jazz movements and techniques.
Tap - Contains tap movements and techniques.
Clogging - Contains clogging movements and techniques.
Contemporary - A style of jazz dance favoring movement deriving from the expression of the music and inner feeling.
Hip-Hop - Street or contemporary jazz-funk. (multiple tricks are allowed)
Musical Theatre - A routine interpreting a song from Broadway or Movie Musical.
Open - Any style of dance or combination of styles.
- Solo/Duet/Trio - Are allowed a maximum of 2min 45sec (2:45)
- Small/Large Groups - Are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes (4:00)
- Line/Production Groups - Are allowed a maximum of 6 minutes (6:00)
- Traditional Production Groups - Are allowed a maximum of 8 minutes (8:00)
(Traditional Productions consist of multiple groups, styles, entrance/exits)
ALL Music is uploaded via our online registration page.
To register your routines, please create a new account or log-in using your user name & password
*Performance Awards - Each routine will be judged using the method of adjudication, which is based on a 100 point system. Platinum, High Gold, & Gold will be awarded to ALL routines entered into the competition.
*Scoring Breakdown
- Platinum: 280 - 300
- High Gold: 265 - 279.9
- Gold: 250 - 264.9
- Platinum: 270 - 300
- High Gold: 255 - 269.9
- Gold: 240 - 254.9
*Divisional Overall Awards - 1st-10th place trophy awards will be given to the highest scores for: SolosDuet/TriosSmall GroupsLarge GroupsLine/Production Groups
*The Awards will be Presented to Both the Elite & Recreational Divisions in Each Age Category:Rookie: 9 & UnderJunior: 10-12Teen: 13-15Senior: 16-18Adults: 19 & Over
*Divisional Overall Awards Breakdown will be the Following:10 or More Entries: 1st - 10th5-9 Entries: 1st - 5th3-4 Entries: 1st - 3rd1-2 Entries: 1st
- Platinum: 280 - 300
- High Gold: 265 - 279.9
- Gold: 250 - 264.9
- Platinum: 270 - 300
- High Gold: 255 - 269.9
- Gold: 240 - 254.9
- The Improv Competition consist of 2-4 rounds of Improv eliminations until the Judges have selected a 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winner from each Age Division.
- Age divisions are: (Rookie: 9 & Under; Junior: 10-12; Teen: 13-15; Senior: 16-18)
- ALL Improv Contestants MUST have a routine entered in our competition to participate.
- $25 Entry Fee to enter the competition.
- A total of 24 Scholarship are awarded: (12 to the Recreational Division & 12 to the Elite Division)
- Scholarships are good for ANY Dance Convention you choose to attend within 1 (one) year from the competition date.
- ALL Scholarships Certificates MUST BE presented for redemption. Scholarships are non-refundable or transferable.
The TOP Elite Group Routine will be awarded our PRIZE BELT to be displayed in your studio for one year. The Belt with then be returned to be entered into the next year's Regional Award!!RULES & REGULATIONS
Please be sure that you've read over the guidelines carefully. Failure to comply with these rules can result in disqualification.
- A panel of previously selected professional judges will be chosen for the competition. All ties will be broken, first by technique score, second by overall performances score, and third by a judge's poll.
- The same dancer(s) competing with two or more Solos/Duets/Trios may do so, but only their highest scoring entry will be eligible for Divisional Overalls (Top Score Awards).
- Talking & lip-syncing are permissible.
- Props are permitted, however any prop that poses a danger is prohibited. A total time of 2 minutes will be allowed for the set-up and tear-down of props. Any other people that appear on stage during any part of the routine are to be considered part of the performance group.
- ANY Dancer 20 years of age MUST compete ALL of their Entries in the adult age category regardless of the other performers ages in the routine.
- Videotaping, movie cameras and/or the use of cellphones to record are strictly prohibited. Participating studios will be disqualified if any studio member, participant, or spectator is recording dance routines in the auditorium. Studio owners/directors are responsible for making their members aware of this rule.
- Contestants grant Drop the Beat Productions permission to use contestant's professional photography and/or videography for advertising and promotional purposes.
- Prior to the competition, a time schedule and directions to the event will be sent to all studios entered. Schedules will be sent 7-10 days prior to the competition date.
- Score sheets will be available after the competition via our online portal. Instructions will be emailed to each director.
- Any teacher, parent, contestant or participant displaying improper conduct or presenting material not suitable can be refused participation. Furthermore, if participation is refused, it will result in the loss of any entry fees.
- Contestants are understood to recognize the risks of physical injury inherent in dance and dance performances and are willing to assume those risks. It is agreed that participants will not hold Drop the Beat Productions, its directors, and/or employees liable for injuries sustained or illnesses contracted while in attendance and/or participating in any activity at the Drop the Beat Competitions or functions.
- Drop the Beat Productions is not responsible for any and all claims concerning theft, injury or damage while participating in this competition.